In this section we will study the short integer solution problem and a hashing algorithm that is based on this algorithm.
Short integer solution problem
Let SISn,m,q,β be a Short Integer Solution problem. We define it as such:
Given m uniformly random vectors ai∈(Z/qZ)n, forming the columns of a matrix A∈(Z/qZ)n×m, find a nonzero integer vector z∈Zm of norm ‖z‖≤β (short) such that
Without the constraint β the solution would be as simple as Gaussian elimination. Also we want β<q otherwise z=(q,0,...,0)∈Zm would be a fine solution.
Notice that a solution z for A can be converted to a solution for the extension [A∣A′] by appending 0s to z⇒
big m⇒ easy (the more vectors we are given, the easier the problem becomes)
big n⇒ hard (the more dimension we work in the harder the problem becomes)
Solution existence is based on parameters set. One should think about them as follows:
n is the security parameter. The bigger it is the harder the problem becomes
m is set depending from application to application. Usually m≫n
q=poly(n), think of it as q=O(n2)
β=the bound is set depending on application and β≪q
SIS as a SVP problem
Ajtai's hashing function
Parameters: m,n,q∈Z, m>nlog2q
Key: A∈(Z/qZ)n×m
Input: x∈{0,1}m⇒ Short vector
Output: fA(x)=Axmodq where fA:{0,1}m→(Z/qZ)n
Hash function properties:
We know x∈{0,1}m⇒∣X∣=2n and Ax∈Y=(Z/qZ)n⇒∣(Z/qZ)n∣=qn=(2logq)n. Since we chose m>nlogq⇒∣X∣>∣Y∣.
Collision resistance:
halp here
Sage example:
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long
n, m, q = 20, 40, 1009
A = random_matrix(Zmod(q),n, m)
# Full MatrixSpace of 20 by 40 dense matrices over Ring of integers modulo 1009
# Full MatrixSpace of 20 by 40 dense matrices over Integer Ring
msg = b'msg'
x = vector(Zmod(q), [int(i) for i in bin(bytes_to_long(msg))[2:].zfill(m)]) # pad message
# 40
# Vector space of dimension 40 over Ring of integers modulo 1009
print(len(A * x))
# 20
Inverting the function:
Given A and y find x∈{0,1}m such that Ax=ymodq
Formulating as a lattice problem:
Find arbitrary t such that At=ymodq
All solutions to Ax=y are of the form t+L⊥ where L⊥(A)={x∈Zm:Ax=0∈(Z/qZ)n}
So we need to find a short vector in t+L⊥(A)
Equivalent, find v∈L⊥(A) closest to t (CVP)
Hermite normal form
Security Reduction
If somebody can explain the security bounds and reduction better, please do.